Name : Hyunwoo Lee
I keep the promises between Prof. and I
Homework#12 (General Deep Learning)
Homework#11 (Backpropagation)
Homework#10 (Data analysis)
source - Kaggle Red wine quality
-Data Analysis-
: (r) 0.7, p-value <0.05 .
fixed acidity acidity_score
(r): 0.7339, p-value: < 0.001
: acidity_score fixed acidity , acidity_score fixed acidity
: fixed acidity .
free sulfur dioxide total sulfur dioxide
(r): 0.7601, p-value: < 0.001
: free sulfur dioxide total sulfur dioxide .
: .
: (r) -0.7 , p-value < 0.05 .
pH fixed acidity
(r): -0.6617, p-value: < 0.001
: pH fixed acidity . (pH ) fixed
acidity .
: pH , .
Homework#9 (Global optimum-based weight setting)
Homework#8 (Genetic Algorithm)
Homework#7 (SCM - Reinforcement Learning)
-Problem & Solving process-
Homework#6 (Dual problem)
-Problem & Solving process
Homework#5 (SGD)
Homework#3 (SCM)
-Problem solving process-
Homework#1 (LP)